Monday, October 1, 2018

What Am I Waiting For ~ By Brian Harrison

During the publications of the last three articles, I heard from a friend who carries the heart and voice of our Father in His house. As we talked, the Word of the Lord that he shared was water for my soul and encouragment to my spirit. On the tail end of our conversation, he sent me a word that the Lord had given him on June 20th of this year. As I read this word, the water of the washing of Father God's Word continued to refresh, renew, bring confirmation, hope, and courage.

I asked Brian permission to share his word in this month of October. Such a vital and necessary word for today, that I pray will bring confirmation, clarity, any needed discipline, and the courage of the Lord to you. 


What Am I Waiting For??  
By Brian Harrison

A couple of days ago a friend asked me how I was doing.  I said that I was waiting expectantly on the Lord.  He answered, “What are you waiting for?” 

So I thought I would jot some thoughts down.  What am I waiting for?  I am waiting for a shift to come fully into view which will escort the advancing church into a whole new season.  I believe that we are in a season when we are coming through the veil.  We have been in that season for a long time.  We have been in a time when we are closing doors that are not allowed to be open so that we might see and unlock the doors which carry our destiny. 

It is often said that what was allowed in the outer court will get you killed in the Holy of Holies.  I am in a season of discerning what I must put away that is no longer allowed in my life.  I am putting away childish things so that I can move on into maturity. 

There is coming a church that will begin to operate in profound maturity and they will far surpass in understanding and experience what much of the church has been operating in.  They are the prophetic forerunners who are pressing deeper into the ultimate purposes of God.  They are the remnant, Gideon’s 300.  What they do will bring an initial breakthrough against the powers of darkness that will signal  much of the rest of the Body of Christ to come into the harvest.                                                       

It is important to note that a person does not have to be a part of this remnant people to be in the will of God.  Not everyone is called to be a forerunner.  But if you are called to be a part of this company, you will not be satisfied anywhere else.  But make no mistake; to be a part of this group means one must engage deeper dealings with God.  There are always preparations before promotion.  “If you want to make a new contribution, you must go through a new preparation.”  Steven Covey

One of the primary tests of leadership is the test of rejection.  Many of us have been trying to fit in with a small minded group of people who cannot hear what we are saying.  One of the reasons there has been so much offense in these circles is because God is trying to deliver his forerunners from the fear of man.  When we cannot get a “hearing” then it is time to stop trying to be heard by people and be content with being known by God.  God knows and God sees.  This should be sufficient for us. 

This does not mean that we should “write off” the people who cannot hear us.  Sometimes they are not meant to hear us.  God is trying to get our attention first.  When we are content to be known by God then our ability to hear clearly and correctly will increase as will our ability to speak and deliver the word of the Lord.  One of the tests of prophetic forerunners is whether or not they get offended by those who are offended with them.  Stay in peace and you will pass on to the higher and ultimate calling.  Get offended and you will immediately turn off the highway of holiness into one of the side roads that leads you nowhere. 

But if we can remain still enough to hear our own breathing, then we will begin to discern the breath of the Almighty inside of us.  And that breath will begin to carry us to our next position in Him. 

If you have been communing at the table of the Lord, God is about call you up higher.  If you have been politicking, trying to win the favor of the masses and to get people to listen to you, you will either stay where you are or take a lower seat to make room for those whom God is calling to a higher place of responsibility. 

The church is in a time of profound shift.  Many of the generals of the past generation are passing on.  They, like Moses, have been allowed to see the Promised Land but they did not enter in.  But Joshua is on the scene along with a whole new generation.  This company will begin to cross over and inherit as no other generation has ever done.  Is there warfare ahead?  Absolutely.  Are there potential defeats?  Of course.  We are not playing a game.  We are playing for keeps.  We are facing a very real enemy.  The war is real and is for ultimate ends. 

So to come back to the initial question, what am I waiting for?  I am waiting for the breath of God inside me to move me to make what adjustments are necessary so that when He says, “Come up here,” I can respond without hesitation. 

The advancing church will fit the description given to us in John 3:8.  “The wind blows where it wills and you hear the sound of it but do not know where it is coming from or where it is going.  So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” 


  1. Amen. So good to re-read this. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Amy, and I agree! It is has been worth its weight each time I have read it.

  2. Powerful! So much of this resonates in my spirit...

    1. Yes! I love it when Father's words operate like a tuning fork inside of us, and tune us in to His frequencies of pure truth!

  3. Such a good word Tammy! Love how God confirms His word to us❣ Excited to see where He is taking us...

    1. In such anticipation of each part of this journey with Him, and one another!
