While in worship a couple of months ago, in
the Spirit I saw myself standing before the great Lion of Judah.
Immediately, everything that posed as a hindrance, and anything that did not align with Him, fell off me to the ground. Now only His glory and light emanated from me.
As I stood before the mighty King in stillness,
His roar penetrated my being
and I felt the force of His breath...
Immediately, everything that posed as a hindrance, and anything that did not align with Him, fell off me to the ground. Now only His glory and light emanated from me.
There was such an absolute knowing that
all limitation and lack had been annihilated by the sound of His Voice and the
breath of His Spirit. A complete sense of knowing and assurance. A place of total security and perfect peace.
No doubt, no fear…just Him
During this time, I was aware it wasn’t
just me as an individual that was standing before Him, it was us as His people,
His beloved, His bride. This is for those who choose to posture themselves
before Him in humility, truth, sincerity, vulnerability, and love.
Then, in the next moment, I (we) were
swept onto His back and He was running swiftly, taking us to our destination.
Although the scenery was a blur as we rode on the back of the Great Lion, there
was the extreme knowing that every step was precise, and He was taking us exactly
where He purposed for us to be.
It was…pure.
No fear and intimidations.
No lies being believed as truth.
No mixture of man imposing his will and
calling it God’s will.
No substituting the power and activity of
Holy Spirit with man’s strength
or intellect.
No pride. No agendas.
No missteps. No side trails. No
No lost ground, or lost time.
Our hearts had been aligned with His. Made
one with Him. Pure. A straight shot of the arrow with nothing in the way.
was purely the way of the Lion of Judah.
HIS roar,
HIS breath,
HIS truth,
HIS light,
and it is on HIS shoulders that HE
carries us!
These were the words that I heard as
this picture was unfolding:
in their place.
The great intentions and love of our
Lord and King!
The great intentions and strategies of
Commander of the army of the Living God and the Heavenly hosts!
His heart burns with intention!
That the
intention of His heart would burn through us!
One with His heart. One with His will.
One with His Word.
A consummation of time and purpose. Fulfillment
of the ages.
in their place.
and King, we come before You. We stand in stillness in Your Presence. We are
humbled by the beauty and the majesty of Who You are. We hold nothing back from
You, and we know there is nothing we can hide from You. We belong to You.
Jesus, in this place with You, would You roar over us? Would You obliterate
every fetter that is holding us back from being as You are, in this world?
Would You breathe into us and align our hearts with Yours? Would You wash us
with the water of Your Word and remove all residue that is not of You?
That we
would be swept up by Your Spirit into Your swift and precise purposes,
strategies, and intentions. There is no time to waste with things that do not
matter. We only want to see what our Father is seeing, speak what our Father is
speaking, and do what our Father is doing. We desire to be one with You in Spirit
and in truth.
Thank You, thank You for Your complete and perfect work in us,
through us, and around us. Take us. Send us. To the fullness of Your glory, Lord.
To the unbridled acts of Holy Spirit. To the glory and joy of our Father. Amen”
For the King & the Kingdom,
Tammy ~
Tammy that was so CLEANSING! I could feel it happening as I read! You have truly blessed us! ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing, Sharon! Oh the beautiful washing of the water of His Word!