
Blessings in the beautiful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and welcome to Heartbeat of Heaven!

Thank you for the honor of visiting this site today. My prayer is that you are encouraged, edified, challenged, and strengthened in your pursuit of Him. That hope rises and vision is made clear as you read, or listen, to what is posted on these pages. I pray for Holy Spirit to unfold the depths of His truth and revelation as we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

A friend and spiritual father in the house of God once asked me what I was contending for. My answer? There is a burning in me to see the fullness of Jesus Christ formed in His bride.

For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you 
to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”
(2 Corinthians 11:2)

A people completely belonging to Him. His holy habitation. A bride that is in such oneness with the heart of her Bridegroom that there is no distinction between the two. An army of the King that is marching in unison with the cadence of Heaven. Sons of God walking, living, and breathing the Father’s mandate. Those who are willing to follow the Lamb wherever He goes...beyond the status-quo of conformity, beyond tradition, beyond the fear of man, beyond comfort, beyond mixture, beyond self, beyond this world.

“…These are the ones that follow the Lamb wherever He goes…”
(Revelation 14:4)

To Know Him…

My desire is that we would KNOW Him, and understand the hope that He has called us to in Him. To be one with Him and aligned with His heart. That we would grow up together into the beautiful stature of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that when this world looks at us, they will see Him. All men drawn to HIM. Jesus be seen...Jesus be known! That the Father’s full intent would be accomplished through us, as the fullness of Jesus Christ is made manifest in us…living in the eternal purpose of our Daddy God’s design. To be known as the sons of God that this creation has been eagerly awaiting…for the whole of creation to be liberated from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God!

To be totally His,
For the joy of His heart,
Let’s grow together,
For His glory,
In love,

For the King & the Kingdom!

~ Tammy Yearsley ~