
Hi! My name is Tammy, and my husband, Mark, and I live in Idaho.                                                                                      
We have three incredible children, three amazing children-in-loves, and eight gorgeous grandchildren. I am so thankful, as well, for all of the beautiful children and family that He has connected our hearts, and blessed our lives with!

By Father God’s empowering grace through the seasons, He has given me the humbling privilege and opportunity to partner with Him in the work of His heart. To His glory alone, some of this joy includes; intercession, loving on the broken, laying hands on the sick, song, prophetic song and worship, worship leading, music production, writing, discipleship, training and equipping, spiritual oversight, pastoring, parenting, missions, and most of all…just being His.

I go with my Lord as He sends me, to the one or to the many.

Part of My Story…
My story begins when my mother encountered the Living God in a miraculous way that saved her life both literally, and spiritually. (I am forever grateful for my sister who spoke of what she had seen in a dream to our mom that morning before heading off to school...the course was changed for generations to come for me and my younger brother.) A short time after this encounter I was conceived, and when in my Momma’s womb, she was baptized in His Spirit, baptized in His love. I can’t remember a time that I have not been aware of the love of my Father, Daddy God. His love defines who I am. (His love defines all of His children. God is love. When we are born of Him, through Jesus Christ, we are born of Love.) I have been in love with Jesus and filled with Holy Spirit since the age of 6, when His Presence filled our home during a family gathering at Thanksgiving that year (love you Uncle Dewey). He is the passion of my heart, and there is no greater honor than being His.

Growing up, this life in Jesus Christ wasn’t something we did on Sundays or at certain events, it was everyday life. People came to know Jesus in all kinds of settings (did I love going out on business calls with my Dad!), discipled in our home, baptized in our bath tub, delivered in our living room, and loved like only He can love. Not to say that it was perfect, but I thank God for the legacy of life lived by His Spirit and founded on His Word that was passed on to my sister, my two brothers, me, and all of the children that God brought into our family.

At the awkwardly shy age of 12, I began to minister in song in the body of Christ, totally by His grace. By the age of 14, original songs began to come by Holy Spirit as I would sit down to worship with my first guitar, given to me by my Granny. As I would go out to minister, it was in utter dependence on an all-powerful God, His anointing, His grace, for His purpose…it still is...

Mark and I and Love
Mark (my husband) and I have another story that Father has weaved into the tapestry of our lives for His glory and purposes. It is a story of restoration that has overcome many challenges, pain, loss, bondage, and brings Hope. It is a story of His faithfulness and His redeeming love that never ever fails. 

We are both native born Idahoans, who met the summer between our junior and senior year of high school. After a year of college we were married, and within the next couple of years, Mark enlisted into the military. He served for 10 years in the U.S. Air Force and is now serving disabled veterans through an organization that was birthed through the obstacles he has overcome. After Mark's honorable discharge from the armed forces, we then moved to Colorado where we were in a 6-year preparation for the next leg of our journey. We transitioned back to Idaho from Colorado in 2000, in response to a call from God for this region and for His Kingdom.

If not for His love, if not for His grace, if not for His Spirit...where would we be? But here we are, in the middle of His beauty and His process...

While it is Today
By the Spirit of God, I contend to see a people growing up into the fullness of Jesus Christ. A bride made ready for her Bridegroom, and living out her eternal purpose...starting now. Sons walking in their Father's identity and bringing liberty with every step. A people of God waking from their slumber to the reality of Jesus Christ and the Truth of God's Word, and functioning as a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to Him. A people totally in love, and completely His.

Proclaiming Jesus Christ. Declaring the Word of the Lord. Releasing the Song of the Lamb. Living the Love of the Father. Being ambassadors of the Kingdom, and citizens of Heaven on this earth. Seated with Him. A love that we were created for, and an honor that humbles to the very core of who we are.

Not by our own efforts and complicated man-made methods, but simply by KNOWING Him and being in Him. It's in HIM that we live, and move, and have our very being.

Ministry isn’t an event…ministry is the love of Daddy God in action 24/7.
Worship isn’t a song…worship is a life lived in abandonment to the Holy One.

Let my heart beat with the heartbeat of Heaven
Let my eyes see with Your pureness of sight
Let my lips speak of Your goodness forever
Let my life shine with Your glory, Your light
(Heartbeat of Heaven Lyrics - 2004)

For the King & the Kingdom!
~ Tammy Yearsley ~