Tuesday, August 15, 2017

"Here We Are"

As we approach the total solar eclipse on August 21st, as well as the sign in the heavens on September 23rd pointing to Revelation 12, this experience and word from October 8th, 2014 (during the second blood moon of the tetrad) comes to me again as our Father God continues to speak...His heart is imploring. Are we listening? 

“Here We Are”

I grabbed my robe and a cozy blanket, and headed out to my back yard to spend time with Daddy God as I watched His sign to us in the sky; the Blood Moon. It was October 8th, 2014, at 2:30 in the morning Idaho time, and the Feast of Tabernacles had already begun half way around the world. This was a holy moment, full of anticipation. I wanted to see, hear, and know what the Father was speaking.

As I sat in the dark, gazing up into the heavens at the multitude of stars and watching as the moon slowly turned blood red during the eclipse, a whisper escaped my lips to the Father that has been a frequent phrase for me lately. “Here we are, Father. Here we are Daddy God…King Jesus…Holy Spirit…Here we are.” This is the time the Ancients have been waiting to see, the forerunners of the Church Age longed for as each generation has passed the baton onto the next. The great cloud of witnesses cheering us on…this is what they lived for, this is what they died for…here we are. Here we are in this little sliver of overlapping time, with the previous generations since Adam pressing on one side, and the Kingdom Age of eternity pressing on the other…Here we are. For such a time as this…what a privilege and an honor…here we are. One can almost feel the burning anticipation of the Father as He prepares to tell His Son to go get His Bride…she has made herself ready…on the verge of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb…to finally be with all of His family…here we are. There I sat, taking it all in and thanking the Father for His declaration through this divine happening, and more than anything, being quiet so I could hear Him…my spiritual ears opened to what He was saying.

One of the first things that struck me was the noise intruding into this holy conversation as God was speaking to His creation. I live in a subdivision on the outskirts of our town. You would think that at 3:00am it would be fairly quiet. I heard the freeway traffic from a couple miles away, the train running down it’s track, cars pulling in and out of our subdivision (some with their music cranked)...I became very annoyed and my spirit was heavy…

”Hello! God is speaking…is anybody listening?!” Is anybody listening?! 

Here I was, overwhelmed as the voice of the Father was shouting out with love, “The hour has come, there is very little time, come to Me!”…and people either not willing to take the time to listen, or totally unaware because the god of this age has blinded them…too busy, preoccupied, distracted, asleep, numb, dead to the reality of Christ and eternity. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear…

“Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.” This scripture and three words kept repeating in my ears…


                               and United. 

That the Bride of Christ, the Beloved, the people belonging to God would be awake, alert, engaged, and united with His heart in this season...making the most of every opportunity. Awakened to His Voice, alert to the hour and aware of what He is doing in and through it, engaged with the Spirit of Jesus in intercession, worship, and declaration, and in union with the Heart of the Father in thought, word, and action--to be the vessels He can release His purposes in the earth through, preparing the way for King Jesus. That we would be one with His Word. That we would truly be ambassadors for Christ, being reconcilers of men back to the heart of Papa God. Releasing forgiveness, releasing truth, releasing love. He is making His petition, His plea, through us. That we would represent Him well so the world will listen. That His fragrance would be released with every step we take. That Jesus Christ would be seen, and ALL men, nations, tribes, and languages would come to Him!

In this moment, I found myself calling out to the people of God first, to wake up. To take their rightful place and not shrink back. To be His light and live His Truth. Not wasting time promoting our agendas and making a name for ourselves, but being about what the Father is about (people), and making His Name great! “Lord, help us in this. Help us stay focused. Help us be purposeful, intentional in all things. That everything we do and give will be from who YOU are.” No matter who we are face to face with, or what situation we may find ourselves in, that it would be His wisdom, His love, His truth, His healing, His restoration, His life that is given. Whether it’s the “one” He is wanting to reach, or a nation…whoever, whatever, wherever…”here we are”.  When the world looks at us, they will see Jesus. Bearing His Name with honor and carrying His glory with humility. They would know the reality of Heaven and eternity when they feel the touch of His Presence through us. “Here we are…”

My heart broke as I began thinking of those who are being persecuted, beheaded, and put to death for His Name sake. For those who are boldly taking their stand in the face of such opposition, with eternity in full view. Those who count it all joy as they are imprisoned and tortured for living the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can we not have the same resolve? We must, we will, and we do. This is our family, our people, our Kingdom…we stand with them… “Here we are…”

Then I began imploring for the nations and all creation to awaken 
to the voice and the love of Papa God…
”Come, come, come…listen, hear, KNOW the heart of your Father! 
Be reconciled to the One who loves you!”

The Blood of Jesus will call out for all eternity...”I LOVE YOU!” I see the Blood of the Lamb that speaks of a covenant of Love between the Father and His creation in the prophetic message of the Blood Moons. Four Blood Moons within two years, taking place on specific dates according to God’s timeline…two on Passover, and two on Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus is our Passover Lamb that has conquered death and made the way for us back to the Father, and He has come to live (tabernacle) in us, and He is coming again to take us to Himself! Oh how His heart, His love, wants all people in that number…that not one would be lost, but they would hear His voice and come home, to His heart. “Here we are…”

God is speaking, He always has been. There are moments when He appears to raise the volume of His sound and paint with colors that are more vivid…to get our attention. It’s as though He is desperate for us to hear and see. His heart longs for us to know Him. His heart longs for His creation to know Him; their Creator and Father, Daddy and God. His love is calling out.

Are we listening? Those that know and love Him….are we partnering with Him in the cry of His heart? Time has always been of the essence…but NOW, “Here We Are”. Let us be fully awake, completely alert, totally engaged, and humbly united with the heart of our Father God.

“Father, Daddy God, let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth through us, just as it is in Heaven. That we would have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to know You, love You, and follow You. That our hearts would be perfectly in union with Yours in this hour, to see the hearts of Your children returning to the heart of their Father. To YOUR joy, Daddy. So be it, according to Your Word ~ Amen”

 For the King & the Kingdom!

~ Tammy ~