Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Look at True Love

There is much talk about what love is, what love isn't, about being in love, and finding true love. Human words try to describe love because there is such a longing to be loved, but only Love Himself can show us what perfect love really looks like.

What does this love look like? 
The only way we will know is if we set our sights on True Love.

Looking for love in all the wrong places…

When we expect another human being to be our source of happiness, to fulfill us, to complete us, or to be our hope of security, we have put a burden on them that they were never designed to carry. Not only do we load them down with expectations that they could never meet, but we also make ourselves captive to dependency on them. It’s a lose-lose situation.

There is only One who can fill this need and longing in us.

His name is God, Who IS Love. And His Son, Jesus Christ, Who is His exact representation. His love brings purpose and fills the void of emptiness inside of us. Our identity, value and worth, comes only from Him. His love is perfect and is our total source of security; it drives away every fear because it is a holy love that doesn’t change…it is faithful and eternal. (1 John 4:7-19)

When we expect human love to be for us what only God’s love can be for us, we will be continually disappointed, frustrated, and always wanting…never content or satisfied. When we look to another person(s) to meet this eternal need in us, we have replaced the all-sufficient God of our lives with an idol.

An idol has no power to save us; it is a misplaced trust in a false god.

The BEAUTY of ABSOLUTE trust and dependency on God, 
is that it will cause our other relationships to flourish in His design. 

When the pressure to perform is removed (because we are already accepted in the Beloved), each of us can be who our Father has created us to be, and function in unity under the Headship of Jesus Christ. Whatever the relationship(s), when we LET GO of needing to be in control and allow Holy Spirit to have His way, it is always so incredible to see the glorious tapestry He weaves, the healing He brings, and the beauty He creates. This nurtures a place of safety, transparency, and accountability.

Control is rooted in fear.

When we have a revelation of the love of Christ that surpasses our carnal knowledge, we begin to understand this love that has been implanted in our hearts. We become rooted and established in Love, instead of fear. This Perfect Love literally casts out all fear. What have we to fear when we are hid with Christ in our Father? Right in the center of Perfect Love!! NOTHING can harm us here! This place in Him is absolute freedom…


Regardless of what a person does or doesn’t do for us (or against us), when our identity and fulfillment is sourced in this Perfect Love, He will protect us and cause us to rise above the momentary hurt into a freedom like we have never known. We can walk out this overcoming life of Love that is not dependent on man’s actions, and freely extend our Father’s love, following in the footsteps of our Lord and King. (Luke 23:13-34)

Responding in love even when there is no one else around to hear 
is a safeguard and a life-line…
for our own hearts hear.
(Psalm 4:20-27)

Offense is a fence that keeps others out, even God.
Forgiveness tears down the fence 
and releases our hearts from condemnation.
(1 John 3:21-24)

We don’t love others based on what they can do for us, 
or how they benefit us…
that’s usury, not love.

If we wait for others to act in love towards us before we will extend love…
is the love of the Father truly in us?

Pure love gives with no strings attached.

Father God loves us for who we are, not what we do for Him...He gave everything, knowing that there would be those who still reject Him and refuse His love...

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
 in that while we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Looking into the eyes of Love…

My prayer is that we would KNOW Him...in knowing Him we will come to understand this all-fulfilling, all-encompassing, never failing, perfect and complete Love of God. We cannot know this Love by mental assent, but from an intimate understanding that comes from a revelation of Jesus Christ, and a revelation of the love of our Father. Oh, how He wants to be known!

Knowing this Love transforms us, 
and fills us with the fullness of God Himself. 
(Ephesians 3:14-19)

When His love defines us, every need is already met in Him,
 so we are free to love without demanding anything in return.

Because we are loved, we are...

Free to love, 
                    free to give, 
                                        free to live 
without the entanglements of offense or selfishness.

This Love does not react, but responds with truth in humility. This Love is not selfish, but seeks the best for the other. This Love pays no attention to a suffered wrong, and doesn’t demand its own rights. This Love is patient and kind, forgiving and forbearing. This Love is the Wisdom of God and has caused us to triumph beyond all that the enemy has meant for our destruction. This Love is the highest order that will cause blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear, and set the prisoner free. This Love has come to give us abundant life. This Love will always and forever be the most excellent way. 
(1Corinthians 13) (James 3:13-18)

In His Love,

~ Tammy ~


  1. Excellence Tammy. Definitely a message from God's heart to a heart willing to listen. This is a read me again and again message and action is required on readers part as you already know. Thank you. Praise God continuing in the journey. God richly bless you.

    1. Thank you, and thank you for sharing! Also thanking the Lord in agreement with you for hearts to hear, know, and act. And yes, what a journey it is with Him! I love a quote by Oswald Chambers, "The journey is the destination".
      Blessings of our Father's great peace and joy in your journey ~

  2. Replies
    1. Thanking the Lord for His encouragement to your heart, Kevra!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
