You know there is
It is incredible to climb to the heights with our Beloved! What
a journey as He beckons us to come away with Him. A place of trust as we take
His hand and ascend the mountain to be with Him in the secret place. We sing
our songs of love and adoration to Him that reverberate in the cleft of the
BUT OH! To hear His
voice. We become silent to hear His breath and listen as He whispers the
longings of His heart to us.
Again, our Beloved beckons us…
He speaks of a new land on the horizon that He wants to share
with us. But to get there, it will require a total trust and dependency on His voice
like we have not yet given ourselves to. It will mean that we have to abandon
ourselves, and surrender all we know, into His hands. He has brought us to this
place, and He says that it is time to take the next step with Him.
So, we wait for His
next word…
His every word…
with great anticipation.
The excitement builds in us as
we lean in to hear His voice and to look into His eyes. He takes us by the hand
and leads us to the edge of the rock. As we follow His gaze with our eyes, we
see He is looking out to the horizon. He glances back toward us, and as His
eyes meet ours, He asks, “will you trust Me?”
The choice is ours to trust Him.
How will we respond,
and what will we choose?
Fear and pride hide
behind many faces, and will attempt to take our gaze away from our Beloved. The
struggle comes when we begin to consider the other voices that become so many,
and speak so loudly.
These voices of fear that are rooted in lies might sound
something like…
“What are they going
to think if…”
“I am not comfortable with…”
“That doesn’t make
any sense to…”
“What about my
reputation if…”
“What if I fall,
what if I fail, if I step out and…”
“I have never gone
this way before, so…”
“What will happen
“I have to know how
it will turn out if I…”
“Taking control of
this situation will…”
“But I put all this
effort into it, I can’t just…”
Rest comes when we abandon ourselves
to the voice of our Lord
and simply trust Him at His Word.
Responding in obedience to His prompting.
Responding in faithfulness to His voice. The only way we can trust with
absoluteness is if we know someone. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is
to follow Him…without reservation.
…As our grip becomes tighter around His hand, we respond to
the voice of our Beloved in full assurance of faith in Him and His love for
”Yes, we trust You…”
With great intention, we lean into Him as He poises to take
flight from the mountaintop. Together with Him, we lean into the Wind of His
Spirit. At first, it takes our breath away. We feel our heart racing in
anticipation of what is to come. Ready, waiting for the voice of our Beloved.
He speaks, “It is time, My love.”
Again, we squeeze His hand in absolute trust as we lean into
His Wind, and off the edge of the rock. Just for a second, it feels like we are
free-falling. Then, the updraft of His Wind catches us and lifts us up, up, up.
We are soaring with our Beloved on wings as eagles.
A place of rest.
A place of freedom.
place of joy unspeakable and full of glory.
A place of oneness with our Lord
and King.
A place of unparalleled vision.
A place of knowing Him…going with Him
wherever He goes.
Maybe you are aware of the change in seasons. The winter is
over, the springtime has come. Maybe you have heard the cooing of the turtledove
in the land, smelt the fragrance of the trees and flowers in bloom, and have
even ascended the mountain with your Beloved.
Again, He calls…
What territory awaits? What new land is on the horizon?
we listen for, and heed the voice of our Beloved?
Will we trust Him?
He beckons…
~ Song of
Solomon 2:8-14 ~ 1 Corinthians 2:6-12 ~
~ Matthew 11:28-30 ~ Hebrews 4:1-11 ~
~ Isaiah
40:29-31 ~ Hebrews 11:8-10 ~
~ Romans 8:14-17 ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ~
~ Romans 8:14-17 ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ~
Leaning into my Beloved,
~ Tammy ~
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