As the last four months have been unfolding on several levels
with transfer, transitions, restoration, and a returning to righteousness, I am
reminded of Friday night, October 7th, 2016, where a few of us
gathered to worship and seek the Lord. Rosh Hashanah had just taken place the
beginning of that week, and now the new year according to God’s timeline, the
year 5777, had begun.

The grace of God by His Spirit is empowering those who belong to Him, to grow up into and walk in the completeness, the perfection, and the fullness of Jesus Christ. Living in oneness with His Word and His Spirit; with Him and in Him. Walking as His holy habitation on the earth, literally bringing Heaven into every situation, and the reality of Jesus to every person.
("Oh Abba Father, so be it for the joy of Your heart,
and for Jesus to receive the reward of His suffering.")
As we were talking, the eyes of the person sitting to the
right of me grew large with wonder. I knew right away what that meant…the
chronic pain that she had felt in her legs was gone. We thanked the Lord and embraced
with tears of joy.
The manifest Presence of the Lord came among us in that
room. We acknowledged our God and King, and the atmosphere was electric with
expectancy of Him. At times like this, words fail to describe what you are
experiencing with Him.
In the midst
of this time with Him,
Holy Spirit began to give us some pictures and
to highlight some scriptures:
The first picture that He
gave was that of the seven Spirits of God that stand before His throne. The sevenfold Spirit of the Living
God that abides before Him, is the same sevenfold manifest Spirit of God that
Jesus operated in while walking on this earth, which is the same Spirit of God
that is dwelling in those who believe in Him and belong to Him.
We are to
operate in the fullness of the Spirit of God just as Jesus our Lord. Whatever the situation, Jesus had the
key to unlock Heaven’s provision because He was in perfect union with Holy Spirit;
functioning in the perfectly complete sevenfold Spirit of God…
--The Spirit of the Lord,
--The Spirit of wisdom,
--The Spirit of wisdom,
--The Spirit of understanding,
--The Spirit of counsel,
--The Spirit of counsel,
--The Spirit of
--The Spirit of knowledge,
--The Spirit of knowledge,
--And the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
He did not
judge by what He saw with His eyes, nor did He decide by what He heard with His
ears, but He was led by righteousness…by His union with the Father. And in
following our Lord and King, for us to also walk in the wisdom
of a living understanding that comes only by Holy Spirit, not according to
carnal knowledge.
It wasn’t a matter of operating in “a gift” of the
it was a matter of living in the fullness of
the Spirit.
Through His Blood, Jesus has enabled us to live this Heavenly
mandate, and operate in the same capacity as kings and priests to our God and
Father. He came to undo the work of the enemy that was to separate us from God, and reconciled us back to our Father. So, through Jesus
Christ, His Spirit could once again abide in us, His children.
His breath in us.
His life
through us.
He has given to us this same ministry of reconciliation.
As Jesus
is, so are we in this world.
We are not just to operate in “a gift”,
we were meant to live out of the
perfect completeness of The Gift.
(Revelation 1:4-6,
Isaiah 11:1-4, Matthew 16:19)
The second picture He
gave, was that of God flipping light switches on in rapid succession, one right after another. Those who have been walking in darkness
are starting to awaken and come into the Light. Eyes are being opened to see
the Truth, and hearts are waking up to the call of the One who loves them, and
gave Himself for them. Sons and daughters returning to the heart of their
Father. Within that number are those that we have been contending for to know Jesus as He really is, and be brought into the glorious liberty of the children
of God.
There has been a declaration
that has been going out with intensity…
“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”
And Christ will give you light.”
Now is the time,
and it will happen in
rapid succession.
Such rapid
succession that the radiant brilliance of Light will cause people to wake, dead
hearts to live, and blind eyes to see. Such rapid succession that the plowman will overtake the reaper,
and the treader of grapes will overtake him who sows seed.
People in the church are waking up,
and thus,
people in the world are coming to Life.
(Ephesians 5:8-21, Matthew 5:13-16,
Amos 9:11-15)
Finally, we were led to Joel 2 as we
began to declare the restoration of the Lord over peoples and lands,
close and far away. There was such a tangible sense of restoration of that which had been
lost…lives, marriages, families, nations, health, provision, purpose, vision. The
righteous rain that is falling to the earth will produce a harvest of salvation
springing up! That the early and latter rains together produce restoration in full measure.
Coming full circle from the beginning of this
account, verse 28 and 29 speaks of the breath, the life, the pouring out and
the filling up of the Spirit of God. Not by our own efforts or human might, but
by the Spirit of God. That’s how we live in the full measure of Jesus Christ, and God Himself…by His Spirit.
restored the Spirit of God to us,
so we can live in the Father’s original
intent for us,
as His children.
Our Father’s Spirit living in us once again.
Created in His image and walking in His completeness. If we choose to abide in
Him, and allow His Word to abide in us, there are no limits. His Spirit without measure. We will see what the
Father is seeing, we will speak what the Father is speaking, and we will do
what the Father is doing.
with the heart of our Abba Father,
and bearing the likeness of Jesus Christ,
by the power of Holy Spirit infused in us.
(Joel 2, Romans
8:14-21, John 15:1-8)
~ Tammy ~
Amen! How amazing are His heart and His ways.
ReplyDeleteYes, my friend! Beautiful in all of His ways!